15 Minutes That Could Save Your UDS Submission

Feb 11, 2025
fqhcs, uds report, healthcare leadership, rural health, health center management, uds checklist, healthcare compliance, hrsa reporting, healthcare ceos, health center resources, uds emergency kit, healthcare errors, reporting tips, uds review, jill steeley, steeley


The scene is familiar to every FQHC CEO: It's days before UDS submission, and someone catches a major error that would have triggered HRSA flags. Your stomach drops. How many other issues might be lurking in those tables?


After 15 years in the FQHC world - first as a CEO, now as a consultant - I've seen this scenario play out countless times. Here's what I've learned: the most damaging UDS errors follow patterns. Better yet, they're detectable in a focused 15-minute review.


That's why I created the UDS Emergency Checklist. It's not comprehensive (your teams handle that), but it catches the CEO-level issues that matter most:


Here is what you'll get:

๐Ÿ” A Completion Checklist

โŒ Common UDS Submission Errors & Fixes

โœ… Validation Checklist for Problematic Tables

๐Ÿšฉ Red Flag Detection Tools

๐Ÿ“ HRSA response templates for post-submission questions


Don't let preventable errors compromise your submission. Download the free UDS Emergency Kit here: www.jillsteeley.com/uds




Remember: thoroughness matters, but knowing where to look matters more.


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