External Referrals Can Increase Patient Numbers and Improve Access to Services

Sep 04, 2024
referral marketing, patient care, healthcare networking, health center growth, community health, medical referrals, patient referrals, healthcare strategy, business development, healthcare outreach, comprehensive care, dental services, behavioral health, pharmacy services, electronic health records, communication plan, sliding fee discount, primary care, pediatric care, patient population, insurance coverage, relationship building, jill steeley, steeley, fqhc, chc


Have you ever wondered why banks, vendors, and specialty clinics shower you with treats and goodies during the holidays? 🎁 It's their way of saying thank you and encouraging you to refer your patients their way.


External referrals can significantly boost your patient numbers by bringing in people who might not otherwise discover your services. 📈 I made it a point to visit pediatricians, schools, churches, imaging centers, and private offices—anywhere that could refer patients to our health center.


Even if they offer similar services, like primary care or pediatrics, they might not have the same depth in dental or behavioral health. 🦷 Plus, they might not have an in-house pharmacy—so why not be the one-stop shop for comprehensive care?


Another way to know where your external referrals are coming from is to run a report from your electronic health record. You'll see who often refers to you (send them a thank you card or basket of goodies!) 🍽️ and who has referred here and there but not very consistently. Add those who don't refer to you consistently to your communication plan and visit them (make sure to bring lunch). Tell them the services you provide, the patient population you see, what insurances you take, that you have a sliding fee discount program, and tell them how to refer people to you. If you still get referrals via fax, bring them a fax coversheet they can use with your fax number pre-populated on it, along with the other information you need to complete the referral.


Building solid relationships with those who can refer patients your way isn't just good business—it's a way to expand access to quality healthcare in your community and strengthen your health center's impact.


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