Improving Your Work Culture is the Key to Retaining Your High-Quality Employees

Sep 03, 2024
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Struggling with turnover? The answer might lie in your work culture. 🏢


All too often, we are so focused on hiring employees that we forget to focus on the employees we have. Creating an employee-focused work culture will show your employees that you value them and create an environment they want to show loyalty to and stay with for years.


Here are some surefire ways to improve your work culture and increase your workforce retention rate.


1️⃣ Start with your leaders.


In a recent poll, over half of employees cited their direct leader as the reason for leaving. Promoting people to a leadership position is easy, but that doesn't mean they have the skills necessary to be good leaders.


✅The solution? Invest in your leaders so that they will, in turn, run happy, high-performing teams. You can get them a coach, a mentor, or exemplary leadership training. Cross-train team members to ensure your leaders can take time off to avoid burnout.


2️⃣ Improve your tools, technology, and processes.


Employees don't want to fight with their equipment all day to get their jobs done.


✅ The solution? Equip them with fast and user-friendly tools and technology so that they don't have to perform many manual processes during the day. Standardizing and automating workflows will help them be more productive and make them happier employees. Encourage continuous improvement by training everyone on Quality Improvement frameworks, and make sure clinical staff focus on what they’re trained for by delegating administrative tasks.


3️⃣ Show employees how much you value them.


Employees are your #1 customers, so show them how much you value them.


✅ The solution? As a CEO, I had listening sessions with employees several times a month at our health center sites. I also did a little token of monthly appreciation for the staff, such as bringing in a coffee truck or having lunch catered, having fun competitions, and doing shout-outs at every staff meeting. Create an internal social media channel for sharing wins, offer flexible schedules, and ensure that workspaces are clean and comfortable.


Here's the takeaway: Improving your work culture is good for your employees and your bottom line.


Lower turnover means saving your health center hundreds of thousands of dollars and improving patient care. Win-win.


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