The new year is here—are you already buried under emails and unfinished tasks?
It happens to even the most productive and organized leaders. The weeks leading up to the new year are usually packed with end-of-year grant reports, taxes, holiday parties, last-minute shopping, school programs, and traveling, leaving little time or energy to focus on your leadership responsibilities.
Instead of going into a new year feeling refreshed, most of us are exhausted and overwhelmed with how much work got put on the back burner at the end of the year.
Managing your time effectively will help you move from chaotic and reactive to productive and strategic. When you can accomplish tasks, start and finish projects, and truly balance your schedule, you can move from being a manager to excelling as a leader.
In my five-month FQHC Leadership Academy, I'll teach you:
✅ How to effectively manage your time for what is important to you.
✅ My core strategies for optimizing your time.
✅ What and how to delegate and how to help your team manage their time more productively.
✅ How to eliminate the things that are killing your ability to get through the day feeling accomplished.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed this week, try these steps to prioritize and tackle your To-Do list.
1️⃣ Make a list of everything that MUST get done this week.
2️⃣ Delegate tasks that don’t need to be done by you (hint: most tasks can be delegated)
3️⃣ Plan your week. Take time this morning to create a schedule that includes time to get all your Must-Dos done.
4️⃣ List the Top 3 Things for each day. These are the non-negotiable tasks or activities you need to do on that day.
5️⃣ Take action. Even imperfect action is still action and once you get started you will start to have motivation to keep going and accomplishing items on your list.
Ready to join the FQHC Leadership Academy?! Doors open soon. Get on the waitlist and be the first to know when you can enroll!
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